22: D&D for Your Mouth

Slow Breakfast is our topic for the week, in contrast to Quick Breakfast last episode. What foods are possible when you spend more time cooking and prepping? How can you become closer to your friends and family through food? Truj made Avocatoast and Brian develops a new 1Password-themed Food Network show. 

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Brian Hamilton
20: Breakfast Has No Gender

Truj and Brian tackle an episode of Good Eats that's all about breakfast. Why does Alton Brown insist that breakfast is "man food"? What else can you cook with a waffle iron? Why is this French Press salty? Brian impersonates Meryl Streep and Justin McElroy at once. Truj is a Phantom Menace apologist. 

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17: Panana Canal

After a discussion of a weird coffee drink and sous vide, Truj and Brian break down the hows and whys of sweet breakfasts. Why are literal desserts socially acceptable to eat at breakfast? What turns Truj off about them? What letter does the word "banana" start with?

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14: Dirty Bird

With Thanksgiving in our wake, we talk about leftovers that make fantastic breakfasts the next day. Kinda. Truj makes an accusatory statement. Brian doesn't understand microwaves.

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Brian Hamilton
8: Real Corn Makes It Special

This week, your intrepid breakfast knights discuss diners! Our favorite dishes, breakfast food vs. lunch food, and of course, our Top Three Diners. Allison and Brian also learn how diners are integral to the fabric of their relationship - would they even be a couple without one specific diner? 

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Brian Hamilton