Myke Hurley is Leaving 5by5

From the podcasting juggernaut's blog:

 I have new goals that I want to tackle, and to be able to do this I need to be independent again.

5by5 has been iMyke's home for the past eighteen months. Given the recent controversy about podcast networks, I can't help but wonder what's in store for Myke and his friends that would be better suited to an independent distribution model.

What's most intriguing about his post is the cryptic hint to the fate of his current shows:

My departure from 5by5 will spell the end of all of the shows I am currently hosting. However do not unsubscribe just yet. I am working with Dan to make sure that when the time is right, your feeds will automatically update to the new shows we are working on, so you don't have to do a thing.

Does this mean that shows like The Prompt or Cmd+Space will continue under different names? Or perhaps with different hosts? I'm particularly upset that the fantastic video game show Directional could end so soon into its run. 

Regardless, I'm incredibly excited to see what comes next for Myke. He's undoubtedly one of the best broadcasters out there today.